occoquan1's Diaryland Diary


Kitties, Occoquan Arts Festival, Harry Potter 3, Picnic, Reading, Spiritual Practices, Esbat

Good Evening Dear Diary,

Been trying to get in here for the past day, but having trouble. So. Let me update while I can. Things are good. Life is good. I am good. The cats are good. Roy has just gotten his "Huggy-Kissy" for this evening...that is, he hops up on the bed, I curl up with him, and he licks his belly and purrs, while I cuddly him and kiss on him. He loves this, and demands that I do this both morning and night...before I leave for work, when I get home, after he eats, and before I go to bed. Sieggy on the other hand just wants kitty treats and to play, especially with the big blue feather wand. :-)

I went to the Occoquan Town Arts Festival today...I've lived here for years, but always avoided it. Well, I went for an hour today to see what I was missing. It was crowded, everyone was selling country arts and crafts and food, and an hour was really enough. I went to my favorite shop, bought some soap, then went to the coffee shop, and got a cup of hazelnut coffee, and walked back home.

The weekend overall was spent hanging with my friends L and B, seeing Harry Potter 3, going to a picnic hosted by a Star Wars fan group, and generally sleeping in.

Magickally speaking, I finished "Inner Temple of Witchcraft" by Christopher Penczak. What an amazing book. I am definitely going to add the lesson sections to my own BoS. I am next going to read "Outer Temple of Witchcraft." I've contined working with Color Therapy, Chakras, Auras, and Meditation. During my last meditation, I came out of the trunk of a tree into near twilight, with stars overhead, and a dark forest in front of me. I asked if anyone wanted to talk with me, and got no immediate response. But as I was walking, I was aware of whispy beings moving with me. They identified themselves as spirit helpers...told me I had between 9 and 11 depending on my needs, but always at least 9. I remembered to recite "That I only wished to contact those spirit beings interested in my highest good" and some of the beings with me disappeared, but most remained, and I intuited that there were at least 9 spirits with me, possibly more. Soon it was time to leave, and as I departed, the spirits told me that they were with me all the time, and that I only need to return if I wished to see them.

I performed this months Esbat...things when smoothly, and peacefully. I pulled the 7 of swords, which denoted creativity for the lunar month, and the rune of separation...of some aspect of myself which I am outgrowing or need to release in order to continue to grow. I need to think on that one.

Well...sleep time...



12:21 a.m. - 06-07-04


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