occoquan1's Diaryland Diary


In which a sleepy witch describes his day and provides poetry for thought...

Good Afternoon Diary...

Still sleepy...must be allergies kicking in. That's OK, though, cause I am feeling no pain. For once.

Magickally speaking, all is well...still studying, reading, and working on my BoS. I ran out of journal pages last night, so I am off to pick up a new journal afterwork. Gotta record those weird mixed up Star Wars vs. Cold Case Files dreams I've been having.

I wrote two more poems today...been feeling creative for some reason...

I'll present them now, and be on my way...

Arcing Angels Achieving Fire

Arcing angels achieving fire,
Burning through the lofty planes,
Like Icarus whose thrusty spires, spriraling down
In burning flames.

Arcing angels achieving fire,
Mans plans laid to ruin,
Dancing on the proverbial pin,
Hellfire licking roughened heels.

Arcing angels achieving fire,
Sunspots glancing on the spires,
Mans dreams are mans delight,
Burning within raging fires.

Arcing angels achieving fire,
Hold on tight to dancing dreams,
Motes upon the golden air,
Sunlight burns those fragile schemes.

Arcing angels achieving fire,
Firm the plans of man are made,
Gripping tightly all the while
None but the beast will satiate.

Arching angels achieving fire,
Crisping feathers burn will fall,
Pride the one name one will call,
Slamming on the hardened ground.

Here is an ode to my good friend, Jason, who died late last year...

Ode to Jason Stelling

Jeweled, Prism, sun did catch,
Always aiming for the best.
Starlight shining in your eyes, sunlight in your laugh,
Onward, upward, achieving, reaching,
Now belonging to the stars above.

Standing firm and standing strong,
Tree-like in your rooted strength,
Everyone loved you, did you know?
Love defined by the essence of you,
Love kindled and still burning bright.
In all the world ever only one you,
Never to grace us in your exact way,
Gone now, but not forgotten. Never forgotten.

Love to you,


3:26 p.m. - 04-13-05


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