occoquan1's Diaryland Diary


A journey in which the witch walks the next six months of the wheel

Summer wanes, the power of the sun diminishes slowly as the Holly King claims his domain. The sun, setting now, shines like a huge, orange torch, like a brilliant Jack-O-Lantern, calling us to seek the light inside ourselves, even as the Oak King's season of light is dying.

The temperature of the air shifts oh so subtly, at first not recognizable in the heat of the day, but in the mornings and in the evenings, the slight breeze now cools the skin...the humidity of a Washington summer slowly fades away. In a month, it will still be green, but in two months, all that will change...the brilliant green will give way to those beloved shades of oranges, yellows, reds, purples, and browns...the last parade of the trees, before the colder weather sets in. The conifers, of course, displaying their green needles proudly, will be green through the coldest nights and the deepest snows, standing sentinel for the other trees while they take their rest in the dark season.

In three short months, everything will be brown...the harvest will have been bound up, the Witches' Thanksgiving a month past, and traditional American Thanksgiving yet a few days away. The skies will be slate, frost will have hardened the ground, and Orion will be high in the sky, along with the Seven Sisters, the Big Dipper, and Cassiopeia, all beloved constellations that are our companions in the cold and lonesome winter months.

In four short months, Yule will be here, with all the cheer and festivity that ancient celebration brings...a return of the light, a celebration of all things good and right about the world. A recognition of our ancient connection to nature, and an acknowledgement that even in the coldest and darkest months, the light will return. The Oak King will take on the mantle of rulership for the next six months, will his brother the Holly King will acquiesce and wait his turn to rule again.

In five months time, it will be entirely evident that the light is indeed returning, gaining a minute day by day. Imbolc, the festival of light, will only be a few short days away. The ground, once frozen, thaws on occasion, though the frost still touches occasionally. Snow may yet come and may hit hard, but it doesn't have the sting that it did in Decemeber.

In six months time, the crocus and the daffodil are making their presence known, and the buds on the trees are peeking out and saying hello. We've celebrated Imbolc and Valentine's Day, and are aware that spring is only a few short weeks away. We can breathe easily, and begin planning for that glorious garden of fragrant herbs and flowers that both we and fairie so cherish. And thus, we've have made it through the dark half of the year and have returned nearly to spring. And with this, I leave you for this evening to contemplate the turning wheel, to plan for the dark half of the year...what will you do...start your journal, store your harvest, feel the spirits of the ancestors swirling around you and make contact? All times are exciting times...the end of the summer makes way for new adventures...find yours this upcoming dark season.



7:30 p.m. - 08-22-05


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